Book Reviews

MMGM: Fortune Falls

Welcome to Fortune Falls, a magical town where superstitions are real. Four-leaf clovers really do bring good fortune, and owning a rabbit’s foot is the secret to success. However, there aren’t enough charms in the universe to help Sadie Bleeker. She can’t pass a ladder without walking under it, and black cats won’t leave her […]

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MMGM: Spy School

Can an undercover nerd become a superstar agent? Ben Ripley sure hopes so—and his life may depend on it! Ben Ripley may only be in middle school, but he’s already pegged his dream job: C.I.A. or bust. Unfortunately for him, his personality doesn’t exactly scream “secret agent.” In fact, Ben is so awkward, he can […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 4 Comments

MMGM: Braced

HELLO EVERYBODY! I’ve been gone for…two months now? A little more actually. I have some excuses, but they’re sort of mostly lame. The first one makes sense, for a few weeks there I was really busy with the end of the school year, but this whole summer so far I haven’t done any MMGMs because […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 2 Comments

MMGM: A Snicker of Magic

Midnight Gulch, Tennessee, used to be a magical place, a town where people could sing up thunderstorms and dance up sunflowers. But that was long ago, before a curse drove the magic away. Twelve-year-old Felicity Pickles knows all about things like that since her nomadic mother is cursed with a wandering heart. But when she […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 4 Comments

MMGM: A Tangle of Knots

In a magical world where everyone has a Talent, eleven-year-old Cady is an orphan with a phenomenal Talent for cake baking. But little does she know that Fate has set her on a journey from the moment she was born. And her destiny leads her to a mysterious address that houses a lost luggage emporium, […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 1 Comment

MMGM: Lost in a Book

Ah, a beautiful cover, isn’t it? So sorry I’ve been gone the past couple of weeks, I’ve just been soooo busy. Hopefully I’ll be better about updating for the next few weeks. Anyways, I saw this movie finally, and it was AMAZING, and my mom found this book, and I thought it sounded really interesting. […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 7 Comments

MMGM: Winterling

Okay, first of all, I would like to say that I’m pretty sure that the cover artist for this also did the cover art for Shannon Messenger’s books, and man I sure do love all of his covers. Anyways. Moving on. With her boundless curiosity and wild spirit, Fer has always felt that she doesn’t […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 4 Comments

MMGM: Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism

  Orphan Molly Moon was found as a baby in a box marked ‘Moon’s Marshmallows’. For ten terrible years she’s lived under the sinister rule of Miss Adderstone in gloomy Hardwick House. But her life changes overnight when she finds a mysterious book on hypnotism and discovers an amazing talent – the power to make […]

Posted in Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday Reviews | 4 Comments

MMGM: Author Feature on Jessica Day George

Hello! Today I’m doing something a little different: an author feature on Jessica Day George, one of my favorite middle grade authors. And just to put it out there early, I will not be posting next week because I will be out of town with no wifi for the President’s Holiday. Anyways, here’s a little […]

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MMGM: Sugar and Ice

For Claire Boucher, life is all about skating on the frozen cow pond and in the annual Maple Show right before the big pancake breakfast on her family’s maple farm. But all that changes when Claire is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity — a scholarship to train with the elite skaters in Lake Placid. Tossed into […]

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