MMGM: Winterling

Image result for winterling

Okay, first of all, I would like to say that I’m pretty sure that the cover artist for this also did the cover art for Shannon Messenger’s books, and man I sure do love all of his covers. Anyways. Moving on.

With her boundless curiosity and wild spirit, Fer has always felt that she doesn’t belong. Not when the forest is calling to her, when the rush of wind through branches feels more real than school or the quiet farms near her house. Then she saves an injured creature—he looks like a boy, but he’s really something else. He knows who Fer truly is, and invites her through the Way, a passage to a strange, dangerous land.

Fer feels an instant attachment to this realm, where magic is real and oaths forge bonds stronger than iron. But a powerful huntress named the Mor rules here, and Fer can sense that the land is perilously out of balance. Fer must unlock the secrets about the parents she never knew and claim her true place before the worlds on both sides of the Way descend into endless winter.

Sarah Prineas captivates in this fantasy-adventure about a girl who must find within herself the power to set right a terrible evil.

Okay, so good things about this book:

  1. Really creative world building!
  2. Rook is adorable
  3. Pretty cover 🙂
  4. Cool character names- I wonder what their meanings are?
  5. I love Fer’s loyalty and blind kindness

Not so good things about this book:

  1. Lots of unanswered questions
  2. Some characters need character development
  3. Short so I feel like you don’t get that much time to really engage yourself in the world

The good news is, there’s two more books! I’ll be doing reviews on them next. Have a great week everyone! 🙂