MMGM: Lost in a Book

Image result for lost in a book

Ah, a beautiful cover, isn’t it? So sorry I’ve been gone the past couple of weeks, I’ve just been soooo busy. Hopefully I’ll be better about updating for the next few weeks. Anyways, I saw this movie finally, and it was AMAZING, and my mom found this book, and I thought it sounded really interesting. Here’s the description:

An original addition to the beloved Beauty and the Beast fairy tale, Lost in a Book follows the lonely, bookish Belle as she finds an enchanted book in the Beast’s library called Nevermore that carries her into a glittering new world. There, Belle is befriended by a mysterious countess who offers her the life she’s always dreamed of.

But Nevermore is not what it seems, and the more time Belle spends there, the harder it is to leave. Good stories take hold of us and never let us go, and once Belle becomes lost in this book, she may never find her way out again.

This deluxe hardcover novel expands upon the beautiful story and world seen in the new Walt Disney Studios’ film, Beauty and the Beast.

Obviously, they had to skip over a lot of what happened at the castle in the movie, because it would’ve taken ages to go over all of that. I think it’s really cool that someone thought about what could have happened at an enchanted castle with a curious, brave, young, book-loving girl, and put it into words! The only downside was that the author was trying a bit to make it easier for younger readers to understand, so it comes across a little cheesily childish at some points, but mostly it’s a good balance.

Also, this book now has me wanting a book of the whole story! Books are just so much better than movies for the most part, because no matter how good the actor, you still don’t really know what the character is thinking, or experience the story quite the way it was intended to be experienced, without reading it off a page.

Not that I don’t love movies, too of course. This weekend I watched ‘She’s the Man’ with my brother. What are some of your favorite movies turned into books, or books turned into movies?

Have a great week! 🙂


7 thoughts on “MMGM: Lost in a Book

  1. Patricia Tilton says:

    I didn’t realize the movie was based on this book. The book sounds far more interesting. But, I did love the new movie, just because I like musicals. I loved Lion, The Light Between Us, Anne of Green Gables, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, all the Harry Potter books (even thought the books are better) etc. I didn’t like the movie version of Sarah’s Key. I liked the movie based on “The Book Thief” better than the book, ironically. Need to go back and read it again.

    • Sonora Slater says:

      The movie isn’t based on the book actually! Sorry if I gave that impression. The book is sort of based on the movie, but not really, because it’s a different part of Belle’s story not highlighted in the movie. Yes! I love Anne of Green Gables, and the Boy in the Striped Pajamas is on my TBR list.

  2. Andrea Mack says:

    I want to read this book! I didn’t know the movie had a book associated with it. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie, too, but maybe I’ll find the book to read first!

  3. Joanne Roberts says:

    I love City of Ember. Have you seen that one? Though I heard the author didn’t think it was true to her vision, which is funny, because it was exactly how I pictured almost everything when I originally read the book. Thanks for the review. I’ve been wondering about Lost in a Book.

  4. Violet Tiger says:

    I’ve heard a lot about this one: it’s on the NY Times bestseller list and I see it all the time at the bookstore. Thanks for your review! Definitely piqued my interest since I’m looking forward to watching Beauty and the Beast sometime this year (key word for: probably in a long time). I really liked Little Women (the book and the movie), because it was something that is great to read with family and friends. But the book was better. 🙂

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