“If this is an adventure, we should just plunge in…”
When thirteen-year-old cousins Ivan and Daphne go on a treasure hunt in the rain one summer day, they never expect to stumble into a whole new world where words and numbers run wild.
After the cousins outwit a plague of punctuation, grateful villagers beg them to find Lexicon’s missing children, who have been enticed away by dancing lights in the sky. Trekking between villages in search of clues, the cousins encounter a talking thesaurus, a fog of forgetting, the Mistress of Metaphor, a panel of poets, feuding parts of speech, and the illogical mathematicians of Irrationality. When a careless Mathemystical reflects them across the border into the ominous Land of Night, their peril deepens. Kidnapped, imprisoned, and mesmerized—with time running out—will Ivan and Daphne find a way to solve the mystery of the lights in the sky and restore the lost children of Lexicon to their homes?
Hello! And Happy New Year, y’all! I don’t know about you, but I’m rather excited about 2017. I have big plans for it. One of which is to write a MMGM every week this year! What with vacations and all, I might miss a week, but I shall certainly try not to! In other news, I’ll also be posting fan art and news about Shannon Messenger’s books on here, so if you have something to share with me, please email me at officialswmessengerfanclub@gmail.com (no, I’m not official yet, but maybe some day) 😉
That out of the way, onto the book! This book is, truly, an adventure in words and numbers as Ivan and Daphne battle their way through Lexicon. There are also llamas, bees, and fog. Daphne’s specialty is with words, particularly poetry. She has memorized dozens of poems, and is fascinated with different word rhythms. Ivan, on the other hand, loves math. He is an expert at deciphering patterns, making sense of them, and putting those patterns into good use in creative and fun ways.
One thing I will say about this book is that although I do believe it is a middle grade book, I have reread it multiple times as I have gotten older, and I want to reread it again at some point in the near future, and the older I get, the more I appreciate the book. Or, not exactly the older I get, but the smarter I get, and the two seem to generally correlate. I must warn you, the math in this book is complicated, and the poetic terms and literary devices mentioned are not commonly known. However, you can enjoy this book simply as an adventure book. It’s funny, it’s exciting, it’s creative. You don’t have to understand it entirely to read it; in fact, you should probably go into it expecting not to understand all of it. Just skim those parts, and hopefully you’ll still love it as much as I did.
If you do this, though, please, please reread it when you’re older. Even if you’re not the rereading kind of person, every time I open it up I love it more than the time before. So read it if you want a humorous adventure book, if that’s what you want out of it, or, if you want a stretch of the mind in a new and clever way, pick it up, and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Enjoy the first week of 2017! Until next time!
NOTE: the reason this wasn’t on her website is because I accidentally sent it to SWMessenger@hotmal.com instead of SWMessenger@hotmail.com. *sigh* Next week!
This book sounds great! It seems similar to The Phantom Tollbooth. Welcome to MMGM!
Yes it reminds me of that too! I loooove The Phantom Tollbooth